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Daily Verse

Week 1, August  2024

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Cedars at Dusk
byBelinda Behne 5th Aug 2024


  Evening descends

            my eyes rest

            in her thick moist cloak


            A deep rich blue-violet mist

            softens the edges

            of the full leafed trees

            and muffles the calls

            of the summer birds

            who usually chatter so loudly

            at this time of day

            discussing their nighttime plans


            Silhouettes of the tall Cedars

            across the road

            resemble wise old Japanese men

            wearing their Pagoda hats slightly askew


            They nod to me

            as they do each evening

            We commune silently

            as the mist thickens

            and deepens to cobalt


            I am alone now

            but not alone

            with my friends the Cedars

            safely blanketed nearby

            still full of untold mysteries

Image by Aliis Sinisalu

Pause & Reflect

by Rupa Anand 6th August  2024

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sometimes the sadness leaves
sometimes we live it
kudzu flowers

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fleeting autumn
through the open window
not enough light to light
his blind eyes

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autumn morning
outrunning monkeys
on the pavement
a fallen poet

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Reflections on August

By Sreelekha Chatterjee 7th August 2024

I am August, my ways not obdurate.

Like the flitting wind, I adopt change.

Before it rains, a warm May day or

after the rains, a cold November date—

for you to experience all in a month’s realm 

is my earnest endeavor.

When it showers amid the shining sun,

you will know it’s August,

as the foxes’ wedding bells sway.

Rain and shine, heat and cold

are both sides of the same coin.

Impermanence of joy and sorrow

is narrated in this month’s tale.

Their fleeting customs astonish us all—

no school or religion can prove their worth,

no reviews and criticisms can nullify their presence,

no coterie can deny their significance.

Their attendance vivifies the barren hills of life,

their uniformity understood as the scud of mist.

I remind what is gone is still here,

what is here will soon be gone.   

Image by Thought Catalog

Haiku on Pause & Reflect

By Deborah Bennett 8th August 2024

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casting our cares
into the little spring -
willow leaves

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moon past full -
a spider weaves her web
beneath a stone

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owl's cry
answering owl's cry -
summer night


A Time to Pause & Reflect

By Avantika Singh 9th August  2024

The heat and dust of summer
Sink gradually below the horizon.
Rain drops glimmer
On leaves from chariots driven by Poseidon.

The misty monsoon morning
Made brighter
By the white Frangipani blooming
Flowing in abundance like a river.

The spider’s webs glimmer
Like necklaces with tiny pearls
Against the greens, appearing clearer
With the rain drops that cling and curl.

Everything appears clearer
Like a cleaned mirror
Walking along Jasmine-lined pathways with spirits lighter
On the beauty of nature, I ponder.

A time to pause and reflect…
What do we need for our happiness?
A patch of green, a stroll in nature bedecked
That stirs our souls to dance… poetry perhaps.

How beautiful then is life in simplicity
Without the glitter of the glitterati
What or who you wear is such a triviality…
The heart can’t be weighed with such superficiality.

Journey deep into the universe’s immensity…
Into the inky, swirling, darkness of infinity,
And find, you are gold dust floating on sun beams in serenity…
the fount of humanity,
With capacity to do deeds of monumental courage and nobility.

Let your thoughts be a clarion call for humanity.
Be the radiance in the universe's infinity.

Biographies of Poets

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