Daily Verse
Week 3, September 2024

An Ode to my Newfound Cat
by Kulbir Sandhu 16th Sep 2024
To Felix, my semi feral cat
This is what I say
You bring me so much joy
At the end of a very hard day
To sit on the porch with a cup of tea
And watch you stalk and pounce
Is a way to unlock a long past time
Of frolic, play , and bounce
Laps are fun , but not so much
You want to run , jump , be free
Chase the bees and butterflies
And sometimes climb a tree
Bonds once made will be kept
This I promise thee
You’ll have a roof over your head
But live as free can be

by Steliana Voicu 17th September 2024

first red leaves
on the porch -
inhaling the tea's steam

falling linden blossoms…
the lake reflects
an Earth in gold

aunt house not for sale…
how many meals together
in this garden

This Cold Reign
By Nancy A Fandel 18th September 2024
Sometimes the sky looks like a veil, raindrops sliding along the side of Earth,
making not so much as a sound, but for the tap, tap, spray and slime that shims
the window of my bedroom gently blind.
I don’t have answers for why gulls wing above the ocean at sunrise, or for why pelicans
sing to the water at sunset but to pluck larder from its depths, yet, I do know that this cold reign
is prescient, speaking aloud the death of democracy.
And the birds fly into this swollen sky, raucous pall of blackened wings, swooping in lockstep
toward wisps of white steam, toward clouds, red, yellow, brown, teeming with water till they
explode the shroud, again, and again, and again.

By K Ramesh 19th September 2024

hometown again...
I wake up to the fish
vendor's call

morning tea...
the sunbird
chirps again

summer afternoon...
street dogs decide to part
after growling

Poems on Nostalgia
By Rupa Anand 20th September 2024

in the Bloody Mary
college crushes

her Mikimoto
now pearling my neck
Mother’s Day

sitting pretty
in Dad’s blue ambassador
school lunch
Biographies of Poets