Daily Verse
Week 3, August 2024

Another Dawn
byLatika Singha 19th Aug 2024

another dawn
coming from
the call
of the
as though
from primeval
and new
of earth and
replete with
of bird song,
and lion roars,
and waterfalls
like breaking glass..
of sunlight,
on tender leaves,
amongst heaving
of brown and green,
the call repeats,
as though
an echo
far away
of mists and

Gembun on Pause & reflection
by Sandip Chauhan 20th August 2024

watching gliding koi
the sound of à©´
ripples softly
across the sarovar

potter's wheel
with each turn
of the moist clay
i reshape myself anew

sunset over the lake
gazing inward
i stay a moment longer
in the quietude

By Kavita Ratna 21st August 2024
With no
patience with
lingering, meandering,
wasting a
single moment,
he always rushed,
long strides,
decisive, furious pace.
How far
that drive may have
ferried him
over the years,
across multiple
terrains, spaces,
each trying
and vying to
leave a mark,
yet left standing
in the dust
raised beneath
flying feet.
Curious place,
this earth,
replete with
full circles,
all our paths
with even those
who are still
as a rock,
rooted, yet
free floating.
not just speed,
but the
compass itself.

Pause & Reflect
By Mona Bedi 22nd August 2024

letting go
of my past
waning moon

mountain trek
entering the brook
entering me

going back
to where we came
from ebb tide

Running Away
By Biswajit Mishra 23rd August 2024
The yoga instructor said
meditation was not focusing
rather was emptying out which
in turn would bring back good focus
so dispense with everything
to get something later like a
futures derivative.
If there’s a place we came
from, why did we come and
why would we get away from
here without finishing the job
that we might’ve been sent for
and if there’s nothing like that
why would we bother about
the focus— in or away?
What good is a village full
of renegades or rather
villages filled with renegades
who belong, or think they do,
to some other village?
The astute ones aim for
nothing, look for nothing
buried under the undercurrent
of finding everything
that’s worth working for;
so you become nothing
visible like the air, you
rise and pervade and
become everywhere.
Biographies of Poets
Latika Singha, ever enchanted by the written and spoken ' word ', lives in jaipur, with her green friends, friends with paws and some spirited fellow humans. She is also besotted by expression in hindustani.. and absorbs herself, reading and writing in this lovely language too..