Daily Verse
Week 3, August 2023

A Visitor
By Kathleen Chamberlin 18th August 2023,

I saw the butterfly as it fluttered soundless near the pink rose bush,
Fragile white wings steadily stroking the currents of air
Changing direction in perfectly choreographed movements
I smiled and said your name,
Sure that this butterfly so pure and unsullied
Must be your soul, sent to say hello.

Haiku with Titles
By Tomh Bakelas, 17th August 2023

“one for me”
another blackbird night
spent walking streets amongst
ghosts and sheets of rain

“haiku written two months after visiting san Francisco”
i walked all night long
searching for inspiration
beneath city lights

“everyone mourns differently”
i share jokes at funerals
because the dead can-
not hear anything

“the ultimate declaration”
now listen up: all titled
haikus are henceforth
called “bakelakus”

Thought -Mirror
By Manali Choudhury, 16th August 2023

Hours s a t e r r ing
Like strings
Through the mirror h( )le,
( )
Like r——————ays
r s
Passing through a p m.
I i wit thoughts
t h
l o
s d
Winds jo stl in g!
a e
W v s pounding,
On my shingled shore.
( at )
I try to (g h ) my words
( er )
And l_i_n_e_s,
But the b</>ro</>k</>en mirror within
Reflects the B</>RO</>K</>EN shadow

My Country
By Anshu Gagal

In the realm of my heart
This nation is so grand
A canvas of land supreme
I made all in my dream
A country of rich culture
Behold it we so dear
In every corner Spirituality breathes
Scriptures enlighten humble and meek
A nation of wonders
Where knowledge unfurls
Unveiling secrets, Chandrayan-3
Patience and precision
illuminates ignoble
ignite also some with curiosity
A country where million dreams
Unite to transcend
Defeats into triumphs
A world where kindness often seems rare
There stands my nation, where
emotions run like streams
We always take pride
In our own legacy
Diversity we embrace
At such a pace
harmony and peaceful space.
It was a melody of utter delight
Of triumph, glory, and pride.
Until cries of woe begone
deep beneath often hurt
Why? I ponder
A country of Durga and Kali
Often sees Draupadi
Marched ripped naked
On the streets
Till date she is mercilessly raped
What symphony of brilliance we praise.
What we sow? Respect or Love?
Unabashed they grope and dragged
Died my pride, Bharatmata cried.
Biographies of Poets