Daily Verse
Week 2, October 2023

Mortal Goddess
by Helen Zhang, 9th October, 2023

a woman raises her
arms to the heavens,
Poseidon decorates her
brow with beads
of foaming sweat,
ichor drips from her
eyes in a vague imitation
of tears. the ocean
returns to her, caresses her
abalone flesh in its brackish
palms, paints
a design of seaweed
onto her bare chest,
dances through her
wild black hair, turning
into plumes of stygian
fire. inhale, exhale, each
breath is filled with the briny
sting of a dying woman. her
skin is pallid, Midas laces
gold through the pale-
ness of her being. she
cannot breathe through
the crashing noise, cannot
see through the heaviness
of her own blood. it drips,
rich and thick and warm,
down her back, a red
Chinese ink painting
of waves and loss.
the woman yearns
for her mother, screams for
her father. flitting images
lost to time, Hades has
stolen them, easily as
the ocean draws breath.
one more second of this
endless night, the sky
is a void of obsidian
glass, ocean gulps greedily
at the moon’s wavering light,
gathering in the crevices
of its froth. the stars are
so large here, like real gods
of burning light aching
to reach hold of the earth
and claim it as
their own. the woman
begins to float, her memories
a canvas of wet paint
smeared into a kaleidoscope
of indistinguishable color
by Time’s cruel hands, her
cheeks flush gold as she
climbs higher, higher.
the world fades to a swath
of blue and green, the stars
reach hungrily as she
passes them, she
is so close to the moon she
could caress its pearly
skin, she
could see how light trips
and stumbles over
its porous surface–
. . .
the woman breaks
from her reverie, her
face is saturated with
tears. a god no more, she
crumples to the ground
and weeps.

Waking Dream
A Split sequence by Neena Singh & Ravi Kiran, 10th October 2023

evening breeze the flowers sway on her cottons

the daffodils fade…
long dormant our friendship awaits a new season

a dewdrop world
wisteria holding on to a branch
a toddler

A Poem
By Kavita Ratna, 11th October 2023

how you
continue to
frolic in my dreams,
moving in and out
with the easy sway of a
lifelong friendship,
which does
not bother to provide
to appear or
laugh silently
over matters that
are irrelevant, irreverent.
Visuals un-spool
like a movie
watched in
slow motion,
with the volume
on mute.
Baffled by
All the metaphors,
in the imagery,
looking deep
to unlock
some encrypted
or wisdom,
find myself
laughing softly
with the first light
of dawn,
some connections
simply have no
respect for

By Jennifer Gurney 12th October 2023

frogs call
from lake’s edge –
one-sided love songs

a moth sips
wild-flower nectar
from nature’s happy hour

the moon is
a force of nature --
pulling us in

Love, Not Hate
Love Over Hate
By Pushpa Naidu Parekh 13th October 2023

Love, Not Hate
I see myself getting on in years and life, a gentle smile in my inner heart of strife. Nothing will deter me
Love is my ocean, my boundless sea! Love releasesHate flees...

Love, Over Hate
I write poems in my sleep
Dream clouds
wash my days
weary spirit
rush-hour body
clipped emotions.
When sleep evades me
I create expanding worlds
for my diminished self
Then my soul vibrates
My body awakens
And my emotions stir…
Somewhere a poem
begins its life
and signals
Love over hate!
Biographies of Poets

Jennifer Gurney lives in Colorado where she teaches, paints, writes and hikes. She is a newly published poet, at age 59, with over 160 poems in print thus far. Jennifer has also published commentary about poetry. During the pandemic she joined the online poetry community of The Daily Haiku.
Kavita Ratna is a children's rights activist, poet and a theatre enthusiast. ‘Sea Glass’ is her anthology of poems published by Red River. Her poems have appeared in The Kali Project: Invoking the Goddess within, A little book of serendipity, Triveni Hakai India, Haiku in Action, the Scarlet Dragon, the Cold Moon Journal, Five Fleas Itchy poetry, Stardust Haiku and Parcham.
A Touchstone nominee in the Shortlist for Individual Poems in 2021, Neena Singh is a banker turned poet. Her haikai poetry is regularly published in international journals and magazines. She has published two books of poetry—'Whispers of the Soul: the journey within' and 'One Breath Poetry'. She runs a non-profit for quality interventions in the education and health of underprivileged children in Chandigarh. Neena loves to play 'fetch ball' with her pet Rumi, and sit in the garden conversing with squirrels and pigeons.
Ravi Kiran is an Electronics Engineer and is a working professional. All things Japanese -from Bonsai to Japanese kitchen knives fascinate him. Haiku, which is a journey for Ravi, is also a means of unwinding in the midst of his professional routine. Ravi Kiran’s haiku are featured in leading international journals. Ravi Kiran lives in Hyderabad with his wife and daughter.