Daily Verse
Week 2, July 2024

A Poem on Solitude
by Geeta Varma 8th July 2024

Before anyone wakes
When all doors are closed
I enter the kitchen
Immersed in silence
Soon the aroma of coffee spreads
I fill my cup
Settle in my favourite chair
With the first sip, I relax
This is the inner bliss
In the quietness of heaven.

by Debbie Strange 9th July 2024

mute swans
with unfurled wings
beyond silence,
beyond light

a willet’s call
undulating through
beach grasses . . .
her nest is invisible,
but it must be near

the swallows
have returned at last
I have
no desire to be part
of something bigger

Twin Seasons
By Geetha Nair G 10th July 2024
July is drenched dogs, road-rivers, dull skies, mud -
a painting in green grey brown.
Ah love, where are you gone?
The months collide and May blooms burning,
Picturing in memory's rays
the parable of our passion,
Bright, blazing like the sunlight pounding the bare earth.
While birds in the tree bask in cooing courting.
Ah love, where are you gone?
That sun has set.
The birds have gone.
It is July again and I wake
To walk the tightrope of solitude
Swaying this way, that,
Seeking to find an answer
As the rains show their might;
On one side, the aviaries of silence,
On the other, solitary night.

Tanka on Solitude
By Sandip Chauhan, 11th July 2024

at the shoreline
barefoot and alone
sand shifts beneath
frothy waves erase
each trace of my passing

sugarcane fields
cutting stalks of sweetness
under the midday sun
bulbul sings softly
in the solitude of harvest

beneath the old tree
where shadows play
with the light
a peacock struts alone
in the stillness

writing a letter
to no one
on thin parchment
ink smudges
in the flickering candlelight

Solitude is my Komboucha Tea
By Chayanika Saikia 12th July 2024
Solitude is my cup of kombucha tea,
a healing evening drink; soft fall for
the meek moon slipping past a myriad
of stars into my glass of wine,
as if, to be with me somehow;
though I know, the moon is not mine…
Solitude is the puff of summer air
laced with scent of night jasmine,
diving deep into the abyss of heart;
popping some bubbles in the blood,
a pinch of heaven, soon splinted into shards…
Solitude is the lone tower I guard,
broken pillars of memory, debris and dust,
ruins of heart, that I no longer hold on to;
just a piece of sky over shattered roof,
little rain and sunshine come through…
Solitude is the space between
my skin and the soul,
filled with everything
that have turned into nihility.
Solitude is the mould
into which I pour me,
I became the void,
solitude became me.
Biographies of Poets
Geeta Varma is a poet based in Chennai. She has worked as a teacher and freelance journalist for some time. She has to her credit two books of poems and is a regular contributor to a few online magazines. She lives in Neelankarai with her husband Shreekumar Varma and has two sons, Vinayak married to Yamini, and Karthik.