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Daily Verse

Week 2, August  2024

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byBiswajit Mishra 12th Aug 2024


The butterfly wants to get back
to being a pupa,
believing that would keep him safe,
from the hovering nets,
but the attraction
of the flowers,
the sweetness of the nectar,
and flying too,
is too strong to give up,
while the unpredictability of the outcome
in the limbo state,
between unmanifest and manifest
causes tremors,
lest the potentials remain
or will that state still be
the complete realization of the potentials
perfect at that state
as it will be,
factoring in the residual as the redundancy
designed in the original build,
like a vain surplus in an infinity?

Then, the question arises,
would it be better for him to go further back
to being a larva and
then back, an egg
or if he went back a step further,
in that infinite cycle of expressions,
he would again be a butterfly,
that he is now.

Image by Aliis Sinisalu

Haiku on Rest & reflection

by Pris Campbell 13th August  2024

reading a book sipping tea.jpg

I write poems about
my exciting days

watching shadows on the wall while lying on bed.jpg

— forced break
my prone body shadow dances
on the bedroom wall

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stray cats
sleep under the shade trees
we drift into dreams


Pause & Reflect

By Geeta Varma 14th August 2024

Rain-drenched dark trees
Wet birds hide
Among the branches
Slippery temple floor,
Leaking roof,
Wet, open umbrellas in corners
Move in the breeze
I sit on a dry patch
Facing the idol
Memories cloud
So many changes in my life!
But now, it is a break
I have changed, yet not.
I breathe in silence
Children have left
I am the same
In a different zone
Like the immortal stone
Staring at infinity
Close to the exit.

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Haiku on Pause & Reflect

By Giuliana Ravaglia 15th August 2024

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at dusk

the grass becomes a path -

a new journey

writing sitting on the sand on the beach & the sun sets.jpg

declining sun -

in the rising shadow

my haikus

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looking at the sea -

a whole day

without pain

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This Day

By Jan Stretch 16th August  2024

I’ll take this day

with you


as a newborn deer


tethered to life

by an oxygen tube

finger nails and toes

a blue shade of pale


on low power mode

unable to do or go

you sit all day

in your chair


watching tv reruns

of The Waltons

and Mash

while I do it all for two


with gratitude

I’ll take this day

and hope

for tomorrow too

Biographies of Poets

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