Daily Verse
Week 2, April 2024
The Sky Over the Ganga
by Satbir Chadha 8th April 2024
The sky over the Ganga at Varanasi fawns over the city its magical marvels
The chiaroscuro of midnight, settling and unsettling your mind
Leaves you sleeping yet unslept
The sky at dawn is a speckled saffron, dotted with flocks of birds
flying out for the day
It resembles, I swear, the Sadhu’s saffron stole printed with holy mantras
To the patient pensive pilgrim the sky is suddenly the colour of the frothy
milky chai
That he is craving already
To the sounds of cymbals and temple bells
It adorns itself in a redolent red
As the sun creeps up
Teasing, flirting, grudgingly nudging slowly up the sky
And what a sky! A pious holy blue, now that the sun is up
Before noon though, it is wrapped up in a grey shroud
As the ghats spew the smoke of thousands of cremations
As many souls making their way to heaven, on a flight from Kashi
Like Shiva donned the ashes, so man turns to ash, before the ascent
In the city that is the launching pad, where death is promised Nirvana
On the banks of the Ganga
The river has its own marvels
It cleanses the sky with dewy breezes
Making way for the fragrant wisps of the evening Aarti lamps
and the musical chants
Varanasi, the city, that is throbbing with life
And the business of death
by Kavita Ratna 9th April 2024
white flour
flows through dark fingers...
dawn filigree
heat wave
musk melon dew
reflects the sun
honey eyes
melting memory
of a sting
a riot of hues
leaping into the view
Life is like a Box of Chocolates
By Petrouchka Alexieva 10th April 2024
At my wise age, I am afraid,
I already ate most of the candies
in the box of life. Can you see?
They all have different colours and shapes.
Some are covered with fancy wraps
and shine like a rainbow, some pop-up
with surprises inside, others hide pieces of nuts.
Some are so sweet, some - not too much...
But in fact, there are plenty left
to enjoy the taste. Oh, never mind!
Just share with me these colorful tastes of life
and be mine. Don’t you see? They’re all colors of life.
Ninth Day of Falgun
By Goapal Lahiri 12th March 2024
It is beautiful, this morning is like
Vincent Van Gogh’s passionate brushwork.
In this house of mine, the doors burst open in joy,
splitting buried memories; mauve, yellow, green,
blossoming flowers are as if nudging each other
briskly to the swinging winds.
Glass windows are shimmering to the falling
sunrays- every drop of light washes the trees
that blossom scarlets of the Palash and Simul.
An awestruck squirrel scurries across the garden gate,
butterflies assemble colour after colour in silence,
There is a murmur in every rose bush on this ninth
day of Falgun,
The Spring is here with its bagful of colours.
Biographies of Poets
Satbir Chadha is the author of the highly acclaimed book, “For God Loves Foolish People”, for which she was awarded the Reuel International prize. Her second novel is “Betrayed, tale of a rogue surgeon”, a medical thriller. She has three solo poetry collections to her credit, “Breeze”, “Glass Doors”, and the recent “The Last Lamp”. She was awarded the Litpreneur Award by Authorspress in 2019, And she is also the founder of the NISSIM International Prize for Literature, awarded every year to upcoming writers of English prose and poetry.
Kavita Ratna is a children's rights activist, poet and a theatre enthusiast. ‘Sea Glass’ is her anthology of poems published by Red River. Her poems have appeared in The Kali Project: Invoking the Goddess within, A little book of serendipity, Triveni Hakai India, Haiku in Action, the Scarlet Dragon, the Cold Moon Journal, Five Fleas Itchy poetry, Stardust Haiku and Parcham.