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Daily Verse

Week 1, October 2023

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Haibun by Neera Kashyap, 
2nd October, 2023 

Image by Geon George

It is monsoon time in the Himalayas. Light rain billows in the breeze. The evening walks from my study retreat have familiarized me with the faces of two women who work on wet sloping fields, transplanting rice. I feel snug in my imported poncho-style raincoat which covers me in thin pink plastic from head to ankle. The women wear thick blue plastic sheets which loosely cover their heads and backs. Their blouses and saris are drenched, their feet squelchy in the furrowed soil. I smile at them. The older woman smiles back, asks if she could have my raincoat. I am nonplussed, hesitate, and then give it to her. She offers me hers. I shake my head. On the next few evenings, I see the raincoat worn first by the younger, then by the older woman - one figure in streaming blue and another in secure pink, moving dexterously between furrows. Both wave happily.

distant thunder

a shooting star

drops on the horizon


Micropoems on Love

by R.K Singh, 3rd October 2023

Theory Preparation Icon

The wine of love swells

in my vessel dark shadows

recede human dirt

between sound and silence greets

the joy and bliss of spirit

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shaped like a bird

a drop of water lands

on her breast:

my breath jumps to kiss it

before her pelvic flick

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when I inhale in

your mouth and exhale stroking

hair or caressing

I ride you into joy and

make you hail morning like earth

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when I have no home

I seek refuge in the cage

of your heart and close

my eyes to see with your nipples

the tree that cared to save from sun

Image by Alex Padurariu

How I Love to Hate the Cold
By Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia, 4th October 2023

Image by Galina N

I love to hate the Cold ! 

That shivering quivering thing ! 

That sharp and stinging scold ! 

I love to hate the Cold ! 

If I may make so bold, 

It’s neck I’d like to wring ! 

I love to hate the Cold ! 

That shivering quivering thing ! 


I love to hate the Cold! 

O Death! Where is thy sting ? 

Save me from Winter’s hold ! 

I love to hate the Cold !

If votes were to be polled, 

Winter would be losing ! 

I love to hate the Cold ! 

O Death! Where is thy sting ? 


(Poet's Note: Two Triolet stanzas)

Image by Eugenio Mazzone


By Kavita Ratna 5th October 2023

Flower Arrangement 1
Image by Ernie A. Stephens

Hiding, unspoken

behind the wall of silence

deafening echoe

Image by Chandan Chaurasia

night of white satin

soft on the skin

a nesting dove

Image by Kristaps Grundsteins


of golden narcissus

bee’s unheard echo 

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Love Stock
By Snigdha Banerjee Agrawal  6th October 2023

Stock Market

available for all

in stocks, shares and bonds

subject to no market risks

no lock-in period


such is love

used, misused, traded

sometimes, for personal gains


you'd think it untraditional

to equate love 

with the stock market

hold on to that thought

just for a few seconds

have you considered

the return on investment?

unconditional most often


a wee bit extended

brings in rich dividends

not taxed at the source

not an annual payment

round the year credited

to the accounts of

investors without

any fear of indexation


go...go...go whole hog

invest in the stock

Biographies of Poets

Ram Krishna Singh is an Indian poet and academic, whose main fields of interest consist of Indian English writing, especially poetry, and English for Specific Purposes, especially for science and technology.

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