Daily Verse
Week 1 June 2023
By Reid Hepworth 1st June 2023
with the light…
i remember
when you had eyes
only for me
with the tide…
gravitational pull
to find my own way
The Stone Amen
By Bruce McRae 2nd June 2023
A grave is a book
no one has read,
the author anonymous,
its language dead.
You might say a grave is a story
a ghost has written.
A grave is an empty room,
an orphanage torn down,
the ruins of a nursery.
It's the foundation of a factory
whose industry is bankrupt.
City of the Dead
A grave is a fallen tower,
a palace overcome,
a diaspora of harried citizenry.
From its walls you once could see
a sunrise on another planet.
It was like an amber egg
being quietly broken open.
Snow Angels
I rather believe
a grave is a monastery
abandoned by God and Time.
A few drunken angels remain,
the last prayer possible reverberating
off its earthen walls.
A headstone is a stone amen.
She said, wearily,
a grave is a hole in a life.
It's death's house
and quiet interlude between
two universes colliding.
It's where we keep the spare eternities
no longer necessary to our cause.
Dead in the Water
A grave is the colour of beetles
or what a serpent is thinking.
It's dusk under thirty feet of water.
A black candle melted down.
A nail in the devil's flooring.
A grave is a rainbow's skeleton.
A ladder up and down a soul.
A pocketful of needles,
a grave is a baby singularity.
It's where an armada of shadows
crosses an infinite sea.