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Daily Verse

Last Week, July  2024


Haiku on  Solitude
byDeborah Bennett 29th July 2024

river & moon.jpg

this river too 

flows toward loneliness  -

hunter's moon 

gangway in the october light.jpg

from the gangway 

no one passes through  -

october light 

treeless leaves with the moon shining.jpg

all the leaves

treeless -

autumn moon 

wind through roadside blooms.jpg

those who are near

are far away -

wind through the roadside blooms

Image by Bahador

Poems on Solitude

by Fatma Zohra Habis 30th July 2024

an algierian woman reading a book.jpg

winter isolation

I read a book 

with a thousand pages

a woman standing at the window watching the rain.jpg

morning solitude 

alone with my thoughts where 

rain falls softly

walking alone on the beach.jpg

moment of realization

alone on the beach

just the sound of waves


Ku on Solitude

By Kavita Ratna 31st July 2024

an earworm.jpg

tripping over…

an ear-worm


night jasmine.jpg

the caress 

of coral tipped parijatas

blushing sky

a slice of sky between towers.jpg

craning up

walls grow tall…there

a slice of sky

Image by Yassin Mohammadi

Short Verse on Solitude

By Swaraj Raj, 25th July 2024

Swaraj Raj.jpg

at eventide
a thousand dreams bloom
in forest’s eyes

Cattle Egret-min.jpg

splashes of desire
in a waterlogged paddyfield
an egret in breeding attire

dangling on a spider’s web_glistening dew drops__.jpg

dangling on a spider’s web
glistening dew drops
wondrous union of beauty and terror


Haiku on Solitude 

By Steliana Cristina Voicu 26th July  2024

plum blossoms scattered on a bench.jpg

scented chaos
plum blossoms cover the bench
while waiting for you

long queue at a store.jpg

pandemic queue at the store -
the distance between us
a MilkyWay

falling petals of a magnolia tree.jpg

magnolia losing petals…
the only place our dreams
meet each other

Teleajen river with reeds on the bank.jpg

Teleajen river -
how endearing the wind
through the autumn reed

Biographies of Poets

Kavita Ratna is a children's rights activist, poet and a theatre enthusiast. Sea Glass is her anthology of poems published by Red River. Her poems have appeared in The Kali Project: Invoking the Goddess within, A little book of serendipity, Muse India, The Wise Owl, Triveni Hakai India, Haiku in Action, the Scarlet Dragonfly, the Cold Moon Journal, Five Fleas Itchy poetry, the Haiku Dialogue, Stardust Haiku, Leaf (Journal of The Daily Haiku), and many others. She was on the Haiku panel at the Glass House Poetry Festival, Bangalore, 2024. She is also a Pushcart Prize nominee, 2024.

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