Daily Verse
Final Week, May 2024
In Kerela
by Geeta Varma 27th May 2024

In Kerala,
In September,
The same light,
And same smells
Greet me.
Trees, leaves, roads and roofs
Shine in the rain.
Mother, frail, weak,
In a starched white sari
Has the same smile
As she opens the door.
Nothing has changed,
Except, the old house,
Now just a cloud
Of haunting memories.

by Snigdha Agrawal 28th May 2024

fads and fashions
I stick to the six yards

those five days
curled up on the sofa
wishes creation had been
more empathetic
towards women
level playing field

whiteness superimposed with
streak of vermillion
bindi on forehead
glass bangles,
a seachange

emaciated frames...
Parle biscuits
enough to put back
smiles atrophied

By Govind Joshi 29th May 2024

winds of change
a junk dealer turned mason
waterproofing the roof

yellow leaves
under the lemon tree
change of guard

silver hair
the unfulfilled wishes
he no longer longs for

autumn morning
young bird's last day
in the nest

Haiku & Senryu
By R. Suresh Babu 30th May 2024

monsoon clouds
the blind meteorologist
describes a rainbow

moon flower
the monarch
camouflages a moth

touch - me - not
the extra salt
in his gruel

By Vijay Prasad 31st May 2024

last version -
i step into the wind
and become nothing

tectonic shifts
🅸 v brate

all her micro seasons retrobranded

it’s the habits that replace me gradually

after each application she refreshes her designers smiles

altering my amino acid contents a Kafkaesque situation
Biographies of Poets
Geeta Varma is a poet based in Chennai. She has worked as a teacher and freelance journalist for some time. She has to her credit two books of poems and is a regular contributor to a few online magazines. She lives in Neelankarai with her husband Shreekumar Varma and has two sons, Vinayak married to Yamini, and Karthik.

Snigdha Agrawal (nee Banerjee) has an MBA in Marketing and Corporate work experience of over two decades. She enjoys writing all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, and travel diaries. Brought up in a cosmopolitan environment, and educated in Convent Schools run by Irish Nuns, she has imbibed the best from Eastern and Western cultures. She has authored 4 books, namely Trail Mix, Minds Unplugged, Evocative Renderings & Tales of the Twins.