Daily Verse
Week 1, July 2024

by Kellie Brown 1st July 2024

The hush of silence
lies heavy on me,
a weighted blanket
enveloping, comforting.
I still smile
to the sound of birds,
their melodious voices
swapping call and response
through leafy boughs.
But oh, the superiority of
silence woven from solitude,
rare, treasured,the finest silk.
I am a student ofnature’s companionless quietude—
the soundless, singular moonrise
the lone snowflake’s whispery descent.
All a rehearsal for
a final inhalation,
a halted heartbeat,
a wordless soul ascending.

Poems on Solitude
by Kavita Ratna 2nd July 2024

a dip in the middle
of your pillow...
empty echo

amma's handclasp
blue veins
map a river

wall gazing
from under a duvet

By Dr Marie Annie 3rd July 2024
The children have left.
The patter of small feet
taken flight
to their destinations.
Silence of the home
Is solitude,
It lands on your shoulder
you carry it about
not wanting to lay
It down Till the next visit.

Haiku on Solitude
By Giuliana Ravaglia, 4th July 2024

extinguished candles -
the sound of silence
at dusk

leaf in the wind -
the song of the shadow
who moves away

empty chair -
melancholic blues
at sunset

By Sanjeev Sethi 5th July 2024
Like empty calories, all emotions aren’t alimentative.
Longueur soaks through my passage. With imaginary
pompoms, I stand by my side, applauding its apopemptic
moves. In the scriptorium of mind, I seal our story, long
and short, of my injury, my embrocation. Half-heard
noises take shelter in my solitude to create the nectar
of neighborliness. In such a frame, I find my fulcrum.
Biographies of Poets
Dr. Kellie Brown is a violinist, conductor, music educator, and award-winning writer of the book The Sound of Hope: Music as Solace, Resistance and Salvation during the Holocaust and World War II. Her words have appeared in Galway Review, Earth & Altar, Ekstasis, Psaltery & Lyre, Still, The Primer, Writerly, and others. More information about her and her writing can be found at www.kelliedbrown.com.